Imposters Theater Code of Conduct & Performer Rights
Created June 2022 | Revised April 2023
Our Mission
Our goal is to foster a creative and inclusive space to support, showcase, educate, and grow Cleveland’s vibrant alternative and independent comedy scene. We strive to amplify Northeast Ohio’s unique comedic voices through a variety of shows, workshops, and classes from experienced performers & instructors with years of professional experience in the entertainment industry.
Your Rights
In service of our mission, Imposters Theater works to ensure its community members the following rights:
To feel safe as a performer, student, participant, instructor or audience member at all Imposters Theater events.
To communicate any needs, concerns, or boundaries without judgment or explanation.
To excuse oneself from any situation that is physically or emotionally uncomfortable or unsafe, without judgment or explanation.
To speak to a representative of Imposters Theater regarding behavior by any person that you feel infringes on your rights, without fear of physical, emotional, or reputational retaliation.
To rely on the leadership of an institution that will not tolerate misconduct under any circumstances.
To rely on the leadership of an institution that will continue to re-evaluate its policies, invite constructive criticism, and remain educated on evolving societal norms that affect its community members.
To rely on the leadership of an institution that will hold itself accountable to mistakes that affect the safety and wellbeing of its community members.
To feel empowered as a creator, performer, and community member.
Safe Environment & Harassment Policy
No instructor, performer, student, audience member, or community member should be expected to tolerate unwelcome sexual attention or advances from any other instructor, performer, student, audience member, or community member, whether inside or outside the Imposters Theater space (including online, via text, or any other method). This includes an expectation for sexual favors in exchange for opportunities or anything else. Instances of such misconduct should be reported to a trusted representative and will be handled promptly and appropriately to ensure non-retaliation.
No instructor, performer, student, audience member, or community member should ever be or feel excluded or discriminated against because of their gender, race, sexual orientation, disability, class, religion, or age. Imposters Theater makes a dedicated effort to create safe, inclusive and fun environments for women, people of color, gender and sexuality minorities, individuals with disabilities and other individuals who may not be broadly represented in comedy spaces.
No improviser (student, performer, jam participant or instructor) should be expected to continue a scene that feels physically or emotionally unsafe.
In non-performance settings (improv jams, classes): instructors may call out “New Choice!” or some other clear direction to quickly change a scene’s direction in instances of offensive or harmful material. Participants are welcome at any point to call for a “time-out,” or to address the issue publicly or privately, according to their comfort level.
In performance settings, we encourage improvisers to leave or end a scene by whatever means feel appropriate to the situation, and to address the issue as soon as practicable after the performance.
In any setting, pervasive issues will be addressed according to need, including disciplinary action or policy change when appropriate.
In any setting, coaches and instructors are expected to assist or take charge in addressing any issues that arise.
Room for Error
Imposters Theater recognizes that the spontaneous nature of comedy is often conducive to innocuous mistakes. Our primary objective is always to address the problem at its source, which should not involve policing the community to a limiting degree. We are committed to working with individuals to demonstrate anti-hateful behavior without shaming or creating a hostile environment for those who make mistakes in good faith.
We recognize that a comedy space is not typical of all workplaces. Comedic material and conversation in both performance and non-performance settings may veer toward being “blue” or “R-rated.” Imposters Theater does not attempt to censor “inappropriate” material that does not cause harm. It is our expectation that with clear communication, common sense, respect, and empathy, this community can be an environment that prioritizes safety without inhibiting any individual’s comfort or artistic freedom.
In cases of pervasive harm caused by an individual, we will take measures up to and including termination, probation, or banning. We reserve the right to limit the participation of any individual in any activity as a consequence of misconduct.
Performers booked at Imposters Theater are vetted to the best of our ability to ensure a fun and safe experience for all attendees.
Non-Retaliation Policy
Exercising any of these rights will not adversely affect your ability to participate in any Imposters Theater classes, events, or shows, and will not influence any hiring, booking or casting decisions. Imposters Theater maintains a non-retaliation policy to protect all individuals (instructors, performers, students, audience members, and community members) who speak out against instances of harm, including discrimination, sexual harassment, and unfair hiring, booking or casting practices.
Promptly following any reports of misconduct, a diverse committee of decision-makers will impose corrective action to address the problem at its source, including disciplinary action and policy change where appropriate.
COVID-19 Policy
It is strongly recommended that everyone is up-to-date on their COVID vaccinations. Masks are welcome at our shows. We will provide masks at the door for those who would like one. Additionally, we reserve the right to require masks for select shows based on the needs of the performers and staff.
This policy is subject to change in accordance with changing rates of COVID-19 hospitalizations in the area.
For the most current vaccination recommendations please visit the CDC.
Directory of Representatives
At Imposters Theater, we respect your right to communicate any needs, concerns, or boundaries without judgment or explanation. In the event that you feel your rights have been infringed upon, we invite you to reach out to your instructor without fear of physical, emotional, or reputational retaliation. If, for any reason, you do not feel comfortable speaking to your instructor, the following individuals are available to address any complaints regarding conduct policy violations:
Michael Busch
Ryan Santa
Kimberly Pride