Ali Maxwell
Ali Maxwell began performing in Cleveland in 2016 as a storyteller, being featured on shows such as Dana Norris’ Story Club Cleveland, Deena Nyer-Mendlowitz’s Mental Illness & Friends and This Improvised Life, and shows by Literary Cleveland. Being obviously passionate for public speaking and attention, Deena encouraged Ali to take improv comedy classes through Crooked River Comedy and to attend hilarious local shows such as Sam Dee’s Share-apy.
Ali first became involved with Imposters Theater when she worked as a producer on Michael Busch‘s sketch show Happy Secrets in 2018. She soon signed up for his Level 1 & Level 2 improv classes that culminated in graduation showcases. Through these, she met many of Imposter Theater’s frequent players and began performing improv in various shows such as Mass Hysteria, Improv Death Match, and One Night Only Night. She also performed sketch in the Cleveland-themed comedy & trivia show Pop Cleveland. Ali joined the improv troupe Casually Late in 2019, and now practices & performs with them regularly. She also appears in many other Imposter Theater shows. Ali loves to be a part of this welcoming and supportive community!