Cam Godfrey is a standup, sketch, and improv comedian from Cleveland, Ohio. She was the recipient of the Rookie of the Year Award at the 2023 Cleveland Comedy Awards, a 2024 Cleveland Scene Magazine nominee for Best Female Comedian, and “Loudest Girl” in her high school yearbook. 

At Imposters Theater, she produces the monthly Dynamic Duos improv night and performs with Unwritten: The Improvised Musical and Funny Business. She is also the Head of Graphic Design and Social Media and administrative assistant.

Beyond Imposters, she produces Wednesday Night MASS (Mostly A Standup Show) bimonthly in Tremont, books three weekly standup showcases with Bill Squire around the city of Cleveland and is one of the city's most prolific standup performers.


Cookie Dough For Men

Is That Normal? The Game Show

Timmy The Nervous Martian